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Can you tell me more about the formation of the band and any influences for the band name?

Jake: I was out in LA in 2015 writing songs and looking for my soul. [laughs] I found Brian staying at my manager’s house and we clicked. He was not in the band at a time and he said he was a drummer and he decided to move to England.

Brian: I moved from Chicago to England

Jake: I knew Alex since I was 10 years old, we used to do Athletics together

And we recruited Jamie from Birmingham -he just tagged along! [all laugh]

How did the name Airways come about?

Brian: The name is just a spelling error. It is a cool name, some people still call us airwaves. Haha

How does the song writing process take place in the band?

Jake: Generally, I write the lyrics and melodies and we all add the music in. Melodies and then lyrics and then music

How is the tour going so far?

Jake: It feels very good! It feels weird that people are here to see us. People are coming down listening to the set of songs that they don’t know – this is crazy!

Brian: And now we can’t wait until they know our songs.

Alex: Someone brought an inflated banana – that was weird! Someone passed out and there was an ambulance – it all starts to kick in.

What’s your biggest influence?

Alex: Beyonce

Brian: all of us as a band. I have a very big jazz background as I was growing up.

Alex: we all bring different influences to the table

But as band, as we said – Gorillaz and Arctic monkeys we all really like

Kasabian, as well.

Brian: So that generation of bands.

Alex: we all love Red Hot Chilli Peppers!

Brian: that was the first band we all gathered to when we were kids. We saw them at Leeds festival – they were awesome! Sooo much mud though. It was like chocolate muss puddle

We like to live rough! [all laugh]

What’s your 2017 resolution?

Jake: Our EP is coming our in spring. It is done; we are just working out the best ways to release it.

Brian: Every song sounds different.

Jake: They are all very different but at the same time all kind of sound the same. We are not sure of the name yet! Hahah

What artists are you looking forward to listening to in 2017?

Brian and Alex: Arctic Monkeys album Gorillaz

They haven’t released anything is ages!

Any shows coming up soon after this tour?

Brian: yeah we are doing some festivals over the summer

Jake: also we are going to America

Brian: we hope to do Amsterdam soon

Final words to add:

Brian: Look out for more shows! New music is coming very soon! In the next 3-4 weeks we will have a new single out ‘Reckless tongue’ - it is rocky. It is arctic monkeys mixed with royal blood.


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